A virtual potential space replaces real kinetic space, or rather, "real" potential translates metaphorically into a virtual "kinetic" energy. . . . This perspective on the current media images of Internet suggests that the conceptual model of a cybernetic "space" does not augment the world; it abandons the world for one which can be fully realized and fully encompassed. . . . The technology that aims at containing distance eventually creates a virtual world which destroys the conceptual possibility of distance.. "[1].I really question whether or not by creating this simulation that is cyberspace, we destroy real space. It seems to me we are just blurring the lines. But certainly no one actually lives in cyberspace, although I'm sure to some people their relationships there may seem more real. But they still walk away from the computer to eat, or sleep, or go to the bathroom, and I don't see how cyberspace can change these very physical functions. But then, I wonder, perhaps I just have a limited imagination.
[1] Baudrillard in Cyberspace: Internet, Virtuality, and Postmodernity
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